Compensation Structures
The Class Occupational Details spreadsheet provides pertinent job classification details and is searchable by Job Class, Title Code, and Pay Grade.
Overtime Pay Categories
The State of Missouri has three (3) overtime pay categories:
0 Exempt |
Top level supervisory, managerial and administrative staff and persons employed in very responsible professional, technical or consultative capacities who do not normally receive overtime compensation except in unusual circumstances as determined by appointing authorities. |
1 Exempt |
Other supervisory, professional, technical and related positions that are compensated for overtime at a straight time rate. |
2 Non-exempt |
Other categories of employees who are compensated for overtime at the rate of time and one-half. |
Employees in category 2 are normally considered to be covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended. A majority of, if not all, positions within a job classification coded with an overtime code of 1 are believed to be exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. However, under the Act, determinations by the Department of Labor regarding non-exempts or exempt status are made on an individual position rather than a class basis, and coverage standards are applied on a workweek basis (least period of time for which an exemption may be disallowed). It is conceivable that individual employees could fluctuate between exempt/non-exempt status, based on changing assignments or workloads. Therefore, if it is necessary to deviate from established class codes in making overtime payments in individual cases, these are to be reviewed and approved, and the necessary documentation maintained on an individual position basis by appointing authorities or their designees. (Reference 1 CSR 20-5.010(1) and 1 CSR 20-5.020(3))
EEO Job Category
A. Officials and Administrators
B. Professionals
C. Technicians
D. Protective Service Workers
E. Paraprofessionals
F. Office and Clerical
G. Skilled Craft Workers
H. Service Maintenance
Shift Pay Differentials
24/7 Congregate Care Facilities - Evening and Night
A pay differential of $2.00 per hour will be allowed for team members working any evening or night shift in a 24/7 congregate care facility. Applicable appointing authorities or designees shall establish evening and night shift standards subject to the needs of their operation except that evening/night shift hours cannot be greater than 16 hours in each 24 hour day. (Effective 3/1/23)
Registered Nurses – Evening and Night
A pay differential of 9% of base salary rate will be allowed Registered Nurses working on the evening and night shifts, not to be combined with any other evening or night shift differential. (Effective 7/1/67; Revised 4/1/82; Revised 1/1/90; Revised 11/1/00; Revised 3/1/23)
NOTE: If upon 11/1/00 revision an employee is receiving a differential resulting in a higher dollar amount than the approved percentage, a percentage equal to that dollar amount is approved for the duration of the assignment.
Department of Public Safety/Veterans Commission (Weekends)
A pay differential of $1.50 per hour will be allowed for employees who work any weekend shift that begins no earlier than 9:30 p.m. on Friday night and ends no later than 7:15 a.m. on Monday morning in classified positions with the titles indicated below.
- Support Care Assistant
- Senior Support Care Assistant
- Licensed Practical Nurse
- Senior Licensed Practical Nurse
- Custodial Assistant/Worker
- Laundry Worker
- Food Service Assistant
- Food Service Worker
- Food Service Supervisor
- Therapeutic Services Worker
- Senior Therapeutic Services Worker
(Effective 5/1/19; Revised 8/1/19; Revised 7/1/20)
Security Assignment Pay Differentials
NOTE: If upon 11/1/00 revision an employee is receiving a differential resulting in a higher dollar amount than the approved percentage, a percentage equal to that dollar amount is approved for the duration of the assignment.
Department of Mental Health
Criteria | Southeast Missouri Mental Health Center staff assigned to the Sexual Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment Unit and the Corrections Treatment Center at Farmington Correctional Center; and intermediate and maximum security areas for forensic patients at Fulton State Hospital. | |
Differential Percentage of Base Salary Rate | 8% | 12% |
Job Classifications |
Effective/Revised Dates | Effective 7/1/59; Revised 3/1/87; Revised 4/1/87; Revised 4/1/92; Revised 11/1/95; Revised 1/1/98; Revised 4/1/98; Revised 10/1/98; Revised 11/1/00; Revised 4/1/01; Revised 7/1/01; Revised 5/1/04; Revised 1/1/06; Revised 6/16/09; Revised 4/1/18; Revised 7/1/20 |
Criteria | A security pay differential of 5% of base salary will be allowed for Department of Mental Health employees in classified positions with the titles listed below working in maximum security units. | A security differential of 3.3% of base salary will be allowed for Department of Mental Health employees in classified positions with the titles listed below working in intermediate security or Sex Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment Services (SORTS) programs. | A security pay differential of 5% of base salary will be allowed for Department of Mental Health employees in Support Care Assistant, Senior Support Care Assistant, and Supervising Support Care Assistant classifications working in crisis units at the habilitation centers. |
Differential Percentage of Base Salary Rate | 5% | 3.3% | 5% |
Job Classifications |
Effective/Revised Dates | Effective 1/1/15; Revised 7/1/20 |
Department of Corrections
All adult institutions
Differential Percentage of Base Salary | Job Classifications |
8% |
12% |
Effective/Revised Dates | Effective 1/1/68; Revised 7/1/83; Revised 11/1/00; Revised 7/1/20 |
Department of Public Safety
A security pay differential of 8% of base salary will be allowed for Missouri Veterans Commission nursing employees with the titles listed below working in a Secure Memory Unit in a Missouri Veterans Commission home.
- Support Care Assistant
- Senior Support Care Assistant
- Licensed Practical Nurse
- Senior Licensed Practical Nurse
- Registered Nurse
- Registered Nurse Specialist/Supervisor
(Effective 5/1/19; Revised 7/1/20)
Special Event Pay Differential
Department of Agriculture
A pay differential of $5.00 per hour will be allowed for Grain Inspection Services Program staff in the classifications listed below assigned to provide sampling and inspection services for grain elevators that are loading or unloading high speed shuttle trains. The pay differential will only apply to time these employees are traveling to and from the grain elevator and time the employees are on location providing inspection services as directed or as requested by the grain elevator.
- Agriculture Inspector
- Senior Agriculture Inspector
- Agribusiness Supervisor
- Agribusiness Manager
- Grain Inspection Worker (Unclassifed)
(Effective 10/1/13; Revised 7/1/20)
A pay differential of $2.00 per hour will be allowed for Grain Inspection Services Program staff in the classifications listed when they work outside normal business hours. The pay differential will only apply to time these employees work on Saturday, Sunday, or earlier than 8:00 am or later than 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.
- Agribusiness Inspector
- Senior Agribusiness Inspector
- Agribusiness Supervisor
- Agribusiness Manager
- Grain Inspection Worker (Unclassified)
(Effective 3/1/20)
Department of Corrections
A pay differential of $50.00 per semi-monthly pay period will be allowed for employees of the Department of Corrections who are members of the Corrections Emergency Response Team and have responsibility for addressing major emergency situations in adult institutions. (Revised 3/1/15)
Department of Public Safety
A pay differential of $1.00 per hour will be allowed for staff of the Department of Public Safety, Veterans Commission who serve as geriatric care orientation specialists in homes for veterans. (Effective 11/1/00)
A pay differential of $1.00 per hour will be allowed for qualified Support Care Assistant staff of the Department of Public Safety, Veterans Commission, for those hours spent on a work assignment to dispense medications in Veterans Homes for Veterans in residence. (Effective 12/1/14; Revised 7/1/20)
Department of Revenue
A temporary pay differential of $75 per semi-monthly pay period will be allowed for staff of the Department of Revenue who are assigned the additional responsibility of supervising seasonal tax processing employees on the day shift.
A temporary pay differential of $150 per semi-monthly pay period will be allowed for staff of the Department of Revenue who are assigned the additional responsibility of supervising seasonal tax processing employees on the evening shift.
(Effective 11/1/00; Revised 12/9/08)
Medical Pay Differentials
NOTE: If upon 11/1/00 revision an employee is receiving a differential resulting in a higher dollar amount than the approved percentage, a percentage equal to that dollar amount is approved for the duration of the assignment.
A pay differential of 4.1% of base salary rate will be allowed to physicians in classified medical positions if certified by a specialty board approved by the American Medical Association or by the American Osteopathic Association. (Revised 1/1/77; Revised 7/1/89; Revised 11/1/00)
Additional pay differentials will be allowed to physicians in classified medical positions who, in addition to basic certification by a specialty board, are also certified in the following sub- specialties: Forensic Psychiatry – 4.1% of base salary rate; Child Psychiatry – 8.2% of base salary rate. (Effective 7/1/84; Revised 10/1/93, Revised 11/1/00)
Certification in Psychiatry in other countries by a National Accrediting Agency or Organization will be accepted on an individual basis when it is determined that such certification includes or has been supplemented by training and experience equivalent to that by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. (Revised 1/1/77)
Special Note: Payment for these events will only be made where the specialty involved is substantially and directly related to the work performed by the employee in the state service
A pay differential of 4.1% will be allowed to psychologists in classified positions who are certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology in a specialty if such specialty is substantially and directly related to the work performed by the employee in the state services. (Effective 7/1/84; Revised 11/1/98; Revised 11/1/00)
Longevity Pay Differential (Department of Corrections)
Department of Corrections
Department service based on the most recent hire date, with up to twenty years maximum (or 10%) for employees hired on or after January 1, 2020 will be allowed for Department of Corrections’ employees. Employees with the Department as of December 31, 2019, will be allowed an initial adjustment for their total years (continuous or not) of service with the Department for every two years of Department service, up to twenty years maximum (or 10%), with increases for every two years of service afterwards. The total increase authorized for an employee through this differential will not exceed 10% of the induction rate for the employee’s current position. This differential will be based on the induction rate for the employee’s position that is initially in effect as of January 1, 2020 and, thereafter, the induction rate that is in effect at the time the employee reaches an even year service milestone. (Effective 1/1/20)
Retention Pay Protocol for Employees Working in 24/7 Congregate Care Facilities
Eligible state team members working in the 24/7 congregate care facilities below will receive a 1% salary increase for every two years of continuous service, capped at 10% for 20 years of service. The Retention Pay salary increase should be treated as differential pay in SAM II.
- DSS-DYS facilities
- DPS-MVC Veterans Homes
- DMH operated 24/7 facilities and programs
- OA – FMDC & IT
Continuous Service includes all service within the department, regardless of position, without a break of more than one year. After a break in service exceeds one year, the service calculation starts over.
Eligible Positions include those in a 24/7 congregate care setting primarily engaged in supporting clients or residents of the facility, such as direct care aides, nurses, food service, or custodial staff. Positions that are not eligible for retention pay are those primarily involved with administrative work such as accounting, office support, human resources, or administrative management.
The attached job classes have been approved for employees who work in a 24/7 congregate care facility and are primarily engaged in supporting clients or residents.
Job Classifications
Retention Pay Approved Job Classifications | Missouri Office of Administration
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